senior mothers day gift

Mother’s Day Garden Gifts for Seniors

It’s been more than 100 years since Woodrow Wilson proclaimed Mother’s Day a national holiday in May 1914. To mark the occasion, now celebrated annually on the second Sunday in May, don’t settle for the standard card and flowers.


Practical Garden Gifts for Your Mom

For the senior mom who loves to spend time in the garden, create a special and safe gardening space. We’ve rounded up some unique and practical Mother’s Day gift ideas for those that want to putter in the garden.

Rolling Plant Caddies

Let’s make things easier for mom. Gardening is a popular hobby, but bending, kneeling and lifting can become a physical challenge with age. A lifelong love of gardening should not have to end as mobility and other issues arise in senior citizens.

For mom’s that enjoy working out in the yard, container gardens are easily accessible and allow room on all sides to reach the center. Almost any kind of plant is suitable for container gardening. From small trees to bountiful vegetables, containers accommodate a variety of plants, as long as there is a source of water and plenty of sunshine.

Big plants need big pots, but big pots are heavy. Sometimes it is necessary to move large potted plants to clean or to move plants into more direct sunlight. To assist your senior mom, place containers on plant dollies for easy moving. Heavy duty plant dollies can support large containers up to 450 lbs, so even the largest container garden can be supported – a great Mother’s Day gift!

The march of time shouldn’t limit mom’s access to the hobby she loves. Container gardens on a plant dolly make gardening on patios or porches accessible if space or mobility is limited.

Hand Tools

Ergonomically designed hand tools are a much-needed piece of gardening equipment for any enthusiast. Buy mom a light duty set with extra long handles that will feel good in her hands while holding up to frequent use.

Adapted to reduce back, wrist and hand strain, a well-made set can have mom working outside again, even with mobility issues or arthritis. Be sure to include a hat and gloves with the set! Fragile, thinning skin in older people makes them more susceptible to bruises and sunburn.

Kneeling Benches

If mom has trouble with creaking knees or has difficulty standing or sitting, a garden kneeling bench can help reduce back and knee strain. Look for a kneeler with an extra thick pad for cushioning and an extra wide base for stability.

Garden kneeling benches have multiple uses: use upright as a comfy bench in the garden, or flip it over and kneel on it for garden tending. When it comes time to stand, sturdy handles on the sides help your loved one raise back up with confidence.

Garden Cart

If Mom "poo poos" the idea of a kneeling bench, she may enjoy a garden cart. It will give her a place to stow her new hand tools, gloves, water bottle – and even her cell phone – as she works. She can tote her supplies through the garden and bring fresh vegetables to the house.

As a side benefit, get one with a comfortable seat, allowing her to plant and pull weeds from a comfortable seated position or to rest in the shade when she gets tired.

Decorative Garden Art

A garden is a private and social spot that bursts with color and textures. To some, a garden is not complete without the addition of an art piece. Art for the garden can range from freestanding pieces of whimsical animals to willow branch benches.

Something that will resonate with mom is a stainless steel sign mounted to a fence declaring this is “moms garden”. Stainless steel metal pieces complement any garden designs with its reflective surface and classic look, and is particularly good in wet environments as it will not rust and stay shiny and bright for years.

Stepping Stones

Create a beautiful pathway through mom’s garden with some stepping stones. Available with beautiful jeweled designs or whimsical sayings, stepping stones are a great addition to any garden.

It’s fun and easy to create your own personalized stepping stone for mom. Make one of these stepping stones with concrete and use a child's handprints or footprints. Capture special memories by adding in rocks or seashells that she collected with the grandkids to make it extra special.

Pick up a kit from your local garden center or pick up the supplies and make enough for an heirloom pathway to personalize her yard.

Railing Brackets

Does mom love her plants, but needs more deck space? As seniors downsize their homes to save money and reduce upkeep, space on small balconies and patios can become limited. Surprise your mom with an easy patio renovation for her Mother’s Day gift.

Create more deck space by placing planter boxes outside the railing supported on railing planter brackets. This will open her patio space and protect her wood deck and railing from water dripping from pots. A wet deck can be a slipping danger. While slips and falls can endanger anyone, seniors are particularly at risk for serious injury. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 25 percent of all U.S. seniors age 65 and older will fall at some point.

Need more space for books or refreshments? Install the railing brackets with a piece of pine wood and create a quick table shelf. A railing table gives a place for odds and ends that might end up on the ground, creating a tripping hazard.

Railing brackets are easy to install, and will not only help keep mom safe from slips and trips, but also keep her deck organized.

Garden Journal

Gardening is a mix of science and luck, and for some moms, they love writing down what has worked in the past and what was a bust. A gardening journal gives them a designated space to write down their thoughts, observations, and experiences to reference in growing seasons down the road.

Whether failures or successes, a journal is a great place for her to write down the lessons she's learned and creates a unique history of mom’s daily life. Writing is a wonderful form of psychological, resourcing which keeps the elderly cognitively, emotionally and socially active. It enhances self-esteem and uplifts the spirit, and can become a cherished family treasure of mom's garden stories and milestones.

Gardening is good for you, of course, and research confirms that the health benefits are striking for “seasoned” gardeners. Routine activity — such as a little bit of gardening every day — reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke and promotes a longer, healthier life.


The Greatest Gift of All

All the items above make great Mother’s Day gift ideas for senior moms with a green thumb, but the best gift you can give them is your love and appreciation. Combine that with a practical gift, and your mom is guaranteed to have her best Mother’s Day yet!

Check out our inventory of unique Mother’s Day gifts here.

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